Life Update: What I have been up to

Hi! Do you still remember me? Sorry for the radio silence.  Law school has been an adjustment to say the least and I sadly don’t have much free time on my hands these days.

But first, a little life update. I survived my first semester of law school! Whewwww. I never thought I would say those words. And am more than half way through my second! There have been some trying times (and maybe a couple tears) but I can honestly say I am for the most part enjoying it. There are obviously classes and topics that aren’t the most exciting/not what I am interested but like anything you get through it. Law school has pushed me in ways I didn’t know and humbled me. I enjoy all of my new friends and LOVE my school. Honestly the laughs and people are what make getting through it all bearable! Since this was a major life change I haven’t had much free time to do anything but school work (did I mention how much reading. Okay sorry I will stop now haha) And on top of the work is all the club activists and meetings to attend. So any break I get I typically use to just veg out and not use my brain for a little haha. So to get the motivation to do more work (even though this blog is something I truly enjoy) is sometimes hard to muster when your brain feels like mush.

Everyone says the first year is the hardest so I am hoping that is true as I continue to chug along. One day at a time. That’s what I keep telling myself haha Other than that there isn’t much to discuss because basically law school consumes my life! (But I am not complained because it will all be worth it in the end!)

I am trying to get some content lined up but with so little time and rarely getting home before dark there is not much time to shoot photos. But the days are finally getting longer! So I promise I will get some fun stuff together. Also I was thinking of starting a law school series because I have gotten several questions about what it is like and what not so let me know in the comments below if you are interested.

Hope all is well with you all! Let me know what you are up to in the comments below!



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